Social Media & The truth

Social media is a wonderful business tool, a connection between loved ones, and a way to share the beauty this world has to offer.

But…social media is also a weapon and incredibly hurtful, when not used mindfully.

How often do you respond to someone’s message of anger or frustration towards another, or a situation, without first seeking the truth in it?

How often do you believe what you read, even if it doesn’t ring true with what you have witnessed, or what you know to be true?

How often do you think negatively about a business or person because of what you’ve read on social media?

How often do consider how your comment on a negative post, may affect the person it’s aimed at?

How often do you like, share and comment on a situation that doesn’t involve you?

How often have you allowed yourself to type something on social media, that you wouldn’t say in person?

How often have you stood by and watched a friend attack, belittle and ridicule others on social media?

How often have you read a gossip post?

Social media has the ability to amplify situations. Both good and bad. It allows people to spread lies and negativity. It allows bullies to stand on their soap box and to cry victim, because only one side of the story is being told. But ask yourself, how often have you seen a true victim, post about their current experience on social media? And how often have you seen a bully spreading lies and playing victim? It’s often those claiming to “call out” others behavior, who need to check their own.

It’s time we allowed social media to be the best version of itself.

It’s time we only used it for good!

Let’s amplify the GOOD in the world.

The BEAUTY in the world.

Let’s lift people up! Let’s share our successes and acts of kindness.

Let’s share our truth.

Let’s live a life so authentic, that we don’t need to put on a facade for social media, because we are so true, kind, unique and real, that what we post and share IS HOW WE LIVE.

Let’s make social media a tool for good.


this uncovered moment


Feelings are healthy