Hi, I’m Laura jane.

I am striving to live a life rooted in wisdom, that honours my truth, my wild beautiful truth.

Sage - invokes thoughts of wisdom (sage advice) and the reminder that we can always shift energy and start fresh.

Dandelions- where some see a weed, I see a wish, a medicine, a beautiful flower, a sign of resilience and the reminder to always be myself, no matter how others see me.

In this space…

I hope to share my story, in the hope that it may resonate with you and open your heart to the beauty within you.

I hope to reflect, observe and learn.

I hope to share practices that have helped me to slow down and turn inward.

I hope to bring focus to the beauty that surrounds us.

I hope to share my passion for child focused, intuitive parenting.

I hope to heal, unfold and to love.


I hold the following qualifications and certificates:

Bachelor of Education - Primary School

Science of Wellbeing

Meditation Instructor

I am studying:

Kids Yoga Teacher

I am passionate about:


Feminine Embodiment

Children’s Wellbeing

Natural Therapies (Forest, Flower, Herbal, Art, Nature Play)

Soul Purpose & Soul Alignment

Sacred Practice

Inner Child Healing

Human Design

Self Discovery, Healing and Love

I walk my path on the traditional land of the Dja Dja Wurrung Country.

I would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land, and pay my respects

to those past and present, who live as one with our beautiful earth.

I extend this to each and everyone of you and send LOVE to you all, wherever you are right now.