let the silly take over
Think back to your favourite teacher, relative or adult when your were a child. Was it the adult who was serious? The one who made sure the house was always clean and the chores done? Was it someone who watched as you played with your siblings or friends? While all of these traits are part of being a ‘good’ parent, they probably are not the reasons you had a favourite adult figure. Most likely it was the uncle who played cricket with all of the kids at family events. Or the teacher who made time to share a joke with you at recess.
Taking the time to play and be silly with your children has so many benefits. Getting on their level encourages connection. Laughing with them raises feel good energy. But more than that, letting go and being silly, shows your child it is safe for them to do the same. It shows them that we don’t have to keep ourselves small to fit in. It models fun and the loosening of inhibitions. It tells your child that you are there to take part in their childlike wonder, excitement and fun.
Turn on the music and dance. Big, bold movements and lots of energy and smiles.
Join in imaginary play with your little one. Eat and drink their imaginary food. Dress up and pretend to be their favourite animal or character. Talk in silly voices.
Read a story with over exaggerated expression and commit to character voices.